Sunday, September 21, 2014

Superman/Wonder Woman

Writer: Charlie Soule
Art: Thony Silas
Publisher: DC

Let me just get something off my chest to start operation I fucking hate Superman! I think he's the worst superhero ever made but I did pick up this comic because I thought that it would be a good series to follow. So far I have been a good series the interactions between Superman and Wonder Woman was pretty cool the way they built the relationship which started in the Justice League comic was cool. The first story line in this comic was about Wonder Woman fighting Apollo and Superman helping her out with that. So sometimes you have Wonder Woman with help from Superman fighting her villains or like this story arc  Suoerman is fighting Brainiac with the help of Wonder Woman. What I don't like about this storyline is how they use tie-ins with other comics to tell the story. I absolutely hate tie-ins because they try to force you to buy comics you don't usually buy so that you can continue with the story but most of the time you don't miss much of the story if you don't follow the tie-ins.

The storyline in this comic is called Superman: Doomed. It would have been a great story if it was contained in the one comic, in the Superman/Wonder Woman, but spreading it out like they did makes the story feel drawn out and water downed. The story starts off with Doomsday making his way back to the Earth from the Phantom Zone and he's kind of different this time he has a killing field around him that kills any living organism within about 5 feet of where you at so the only person who can survive this radius is Superman. Unable to stop Doomsday from reaching a nearby city Superman decides to do what needs to be done and kills Doomsday by ripping him in half over his head which douces Superman in Doomsdays' blood. Little did Superman know that Doomsday's blood has infected him with the Doomsday virus which turns him into the same creature that he just finished defeating. With the infection changing him, Superman leaves Earth. With Superman off Earth Brainiac makes his move with the help of Cyborg Superman he teleports his ship into Earth's atmosphere to start the take over process. In space, with help from Supergirl, Superman is able to control the virus and takes back control of his body and returns to Earth to help the other heroes fight agaimst Brainiacs invasion. Unable to stop Brainiacs invasion Superman unleashes Superdoom, if you will, on earth to stop Brainiac's troops and take back control of Earth.

Again this story would have been good if it was contained within the pages of Superman/Wonder Woman or even the Justice League this could have been a good story for them but having the tie ins and not being able to follow the whole story because I will not fall under peer pressure from DC,trying to force me to buy comics that I don't usually buy, makes it drawn out and watered down